G jobs

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Intel® Desktop Board DX58SO

The Intel® Desktop Board DX58SO is designed to unleash the power of the all new Intel® Core™ i7 processors with support for up to eight threads of raw CPU processing power, triple channel DDR3 memory and full support for ATI CrossfireX* and NVIDIA SLI* technology. Today’s PC games like Far Cry 2* need a computing platform that delivers maximum multi-threaded CPU support and eye-popping graphics support.

Business PCs

Notebooks with Intel® Centrino® 2 with vPro™ technology and desktops with Intel® Core™2 processors with vPro™ technology are optimized to help IT better manage and protect your fleet of business PCs. Safeguarding your business from data loss and disruption, these desktop and notebook PCs deliver proactive and enhanced security and remote manageability even if the PC is off or the OS is inoperable,¹ lowering IT management costs and reducing the need for deskside visits.²

Designed to unleash the benefits of business software, Intel vPro technology helps IT enhance fleet manageability by combining PCs with Intel vPro technology with top software management solutions from providers like Microsoft, Symantec, LANdesk, HP, and more. And with the exceptional energy-efficient performance of the latest hafnium-based 45nm Intel® Core™ microarchitecture, you'll have a robust foundation for Microsoft Windows Vista* along with future 64-bit and next-generation multithreaded software.

Silicon Technology from Intel

Intel is committed to continue introducing new and innovative process technologies according to Moore's Law, delivering great leaps in performance, new levels of energy efficiency, and lower cost per function to the end user
32nm logic technology
Discover how Intel has demonstrated the world's first 32nm logic process with functional SRAM, packing more than 1.9 billion second generation high-k metal gate transistors.
45nm logic technology
See how Intel has used dramatically new materials to develop its next-generation hafnium-based 45nm high-k metal gate silicon technology.
65nm logic technology
Discover advanced dual- and quad-core capabilities with 65nm silicon technology.

Silicon history

Follow the silicon revolution from the invention of the transistor in 1947 to today's mega performing multi-core processors.

* 60 Years Of the Transistor: 1947-2007 (PDF 216 KB)

Silicon research

Intel’s silicon R&D pipeline
Explore how Intel's silicon R&D pipeline includes 3-D transistors, III-V materials, carbon nanotubes, and semiconductor nanowires for future high-speed and low-power, transistors and interconnects.

Architecture & Silicon Technology

In the age of Moore's Law, Intel has delivered architecture and silicon technology with amazing transistor counts—as many as two billion and growing. With steady gains in energy efficient performance, and innovative uses of new materials, our innovations continue to enable industry leading firsts.

Intel® Microarchitecture
As the foundation for Intel's processor-technology, Intel® microarchitecture employs next-generation, 45nm multi-core technology. Optimized to deliver state-of-the-art features that raise the bar on energy-efficient performance, Intel microarchitecture continues to be the catalyst for innovative new designs.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Public Domain Software

Public Domain software refers to software that is not limited by having a copyright. It can thus be freely used, copied, or altered, because no one owns the rights to restrict its use. There are plenty of public domain software programs, but these are often confused with several other types of software, called freeware, which can be obtained for free, or shareware which is usually obtained for a very small fee. Public domain software is the only type in most cases to which no limitations apply. Freeware may be copyrighted and shareware certainly is. This means it is not essentially in the public domain. Someone else can’t reproduce the software, copy it for other people, or copy it to sell without violating copyright laws.

The public domain is a large overview term, for any thing, usually a creative work, that can be freely used. For example, the Bible is a public domain work. It can be used, copied, sold, quoted, translated, or altered without infringing on anyone’s copyright or patent privileges. Examples of public domain software include the GNU/Linux software, which forms a part of many PC operating systems.

While you can find lists of public domain software, you are more likely to find lists of free software. In most cases, this software is not really in the public domain. Your obtaining it means that you have acquired a license to use it. If you’ve ever installed a computer program for free, you probably had to accept terms and conditions for using the software. Some of these terms you agree to may prohibit you from selling, altering, or profiting from the software in any way.

There are a number of free software programs that are not public domain software. For example you can easily get copies of Adobe Reader, Netscape, Internet Explorer and a variety of other programs. Also, when you purchase a computer, you may be given several free programs, but again these are licensed to you only, rather than being yours to copy or distribute, as would be public domain software.

You can find public domain software in a variety of locations. The UCLA library offers numerous downloads and catalogues. Some of the most interesting public domain software is key to the sciences. Programs like WebLab and Visual Molecular Dynamics allow you to create three-dimensional drawings of molecules. A great place to look for public domain software, and free or shareware is the Free Software Foundation (FSF). You’ll find lists of public domain software, and any software that grants you automatic licenses to use specific programs. The FSF is also specific in telling you whether you are downloading freeware or public domain software.

Public Domain

Public domain is any type of work that is not currently protected by a copyright. There is a wide range of products that fall into the public domain. They may include intellectual property that was previously covered by a copyright as well as works that were specifically designed as for the general use of the public, and were never covered by a copyright.

There are often references to books and other printed matter that has entered public domain. What this means is that while the printed works were at one time copyrighted and therefore considered the intellectual property of the author and publisher, that is no longer the case. In many cases, the work is no longer in print by the original publisher, the author is deceased, and the copyright was allowed to expire. In effect, the work is no longer owned by a person or entity. When no ownership can be established, the work is considered to be in the public domain.

Along with printed matter, the same general principle applies to early motion pictures that were made before 1922, or were produced by studios that no longer exist. When there is no evidence that someone today is the beneficiary of those works and can reasonably claim ownership of the films, they are considered to be in the public domain. This means that anyone can obtain a copy of the film and reproduce multiple copies for sale without infringing on the rights of anyone.

In addition to works that were once copyrighted but no longer enjoy that status, there are works intentionally created for general public use. Some government documents are an excellent example of this type of public domain product. Unless there are disclaimers to the contrary, government documents are understood to be accessible and usable by everyone, without the need to observe a copyright. Generally, however, it is anticipated that if a section of the document is quoted, the quote will be referenced properly.

As a broad definition, public domain materials are any form of knowledge that is freely available to the general public, and carries no restrictions on the use of the materials. Books, movies, and other forms of printed matter are all common examples of public domain information, but essentially any device that previously enjoyed a copyright but is no longer covered would be considered to be in the public domain.